Seminary Bais Yaakov Bnos Raizel

For the past 34 years, our two-year seminary program has been training young Jewish women to teach at all levels of Jewish Education. This is done through a well-rounded program which, besides core courses in Jewish subjects includes classes in classroom management, lesson preparation, and child psychology. The students also give model lessons which are monitored and perfected.

The hallmark of our Seminary is creating an enthusiasm for learning and understanding the words of Chazal(our sages) in many diverse subjects. With our staff of highly qualified mechanchim (Rabbis) and Mechanchos (teachers), the Torah is truly felt as a living Torah.

 The curriculum provides intensive study in Judaic courses, as well as selected college courses, fully qualifying the graduate to teach or to assume positions of leadership in the community. Emphasis is placed on the development of independent learning skills, and on the ability to apply learning to real-life situations. Students are also presented with a wide variety of teaching methodologies to help them effectively transmit information and values. As part of our curriculum, we want our students to benefit from a broader range of topics and have therefore added mini-courses.

In addition, there are a number of ongoing activities that complement the curriculum. These include guest lecturers by prominent personalities in the Torah world, educational and social activities, (i.e Melava Malkaas, Shabbatons, Visits to other schools etc.), Rosh Chodesh trips and Chesed Programs.