College Degree

In September 2010, Beth Jacob Teachers College was fortunate to sign an agreement with Ellis College, making our facility the Montreal campus of Ellis College. A student wishing to enroll for College courses (AEC or DEC programs listed below) will now register through Beth Jacob to Ellis College. The students are full Ellis College students and the teachers are employees of Ellis College with all the ensuing benefits. Upon completion of the required curriculum the student will receive an Ellis degree from the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur.

Over the years, our graduates have served on the administration of schools all over the world. Many are teachers, others have gone on to other positions of leadership within their communities.

Currently the programs being offered in English are listed below:

  • Techniques of Special Education (351.A0)DEC
    (The "Elizabeth Fonfeder Special Education Training Program")

    This program has been designed to train students who are interested in the care, treatment, and rehabilitation of individuals in need of specialized services, due to their physical, mental, or emotional disabilities or disadvantages. Upon graduation a D.E.C. (College Diploma) in Special Education is awarded from the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur.

  • Techniques of Early Childhood Education (322.A0) DEC or JEE.0K AEC
    (Garderie Early Childhood Training)
    This three year program trains students in the observation and understanding of young children, and includes specializing courses dealing with the methods and techniques of working with young children in group settings. Upon graduation a D.E.C. (College Diploma) in Early Childhood is awarded from the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur.

  • Techniques of Social Services (388.A0) DEC
    (Social Work Training)

    The goal of this 3-year (DEC) program is to prepare students for a variety of career opportunities in the field of human services. Upon graduation, a diploma in Social Services is awarded from the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur.

  • Arts. Literature & Communication (500.A1) DEC
    This program offers a broad perspective of world views.